# 15
10 creators | 240 Hours | 10 works
1. Success
Or Osnat
Stories of success that was given only to individuals of virtue
But in fact it was given to you too, that all you have to do is continue on your way
If you try to trample on the other's path, you will become a dick and nothing more
2. Heart of gold
Hadar Alfasi

3. There is no name
Albina Chizik

4. Fractals
Dasha Ilyashenko

5. "And the famine liver In the country. "
Eli Hellman. Photo: Yaakov Lederman
And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of the tree. Genesis, chapter one, verses 28-29

6. Fertility
David Dalal

Yuval Abrami
The piece I created is an Instagram filter -
This means that the viewer can use it himself.
Using the following link
(Please log in by phone)

8. Chain reaction
Eilat Zer Sheinbaum
9. Will we go through it together?
Aya Alligon

10. The garden is still closed
Julie Cavallier

- The creators -